Finding a job on LinkedIn is not as simple as sending in thousands of resumes to every open job you find. In fact there are many simple ways to lose friends and alienate people on LinkedIn

To get it right, consider the following tips to help improve your ability to find a job on LinkedIn:

Create the Perfect Profile FIRST

Before you add even a single friend, make sure you’ve created the perfect profile. You never know when potential employers may see your profile. You want to make sure that your profile is already perfect, and that anyone that sees your profile will be impressed by you and your history.

Use Professional Photos

Professional photos are also very important. Do not simply take a photo from Facebook and crop it. Have someone take a photo of you with a quality camera, dressed nicely with a smile on your face and a white or black background. Take a photo that makes it look as though you’re a quality stock image.

Consider Tailoring

If you are applying to a specific job in a specific field, you may want to go a step further and tailor your LinkedIn profile to that job, just like you would a resume. Make sure you choose information that reflects well on that specific industry, so that – while you may turn off some employers that are looking for other types of workers – you excite an employer that wants someone with your specific information.

Acquire Professional Networks

It’s finally time to add people, and you should add all of those that are great for your network. Pay special attention to coworkers, acquaintances with power positions, and more. You can add friends and family, but it’s your professional connections that are going to help you get a job.

Send a Personalized Email

Similarly, if you’re going to try to use them to help you get work, make sure your email to them is personalized. Make them excited to help you. The only way you’re going to get recommendations is if they feel you really matter, and not that you’re simply filling out your list.

Start Applying

Now you’re ready to start applying. But before you do, remember that all ‘resume rules’ apply to LinkedIn as well – do not resume spam, do not apply for jobs without first considering how your profile will look to that employer, and DO see if you have any connections that could help you use your network to get noticed.

Strategies for LinkedIn Applications

LinkedIn can be an amazing tool for finding jobs, but like any publicly available information, you have to control it. Create a great profile, add the right people, and apply to jobs the same way you would with a resume and you’ll give yourself a great opportunity to find work.

I hope you have found the above Information useful.
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